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Old 12-16-2019, 01:23 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
Logical links are inherently specific to a single database, but you can create an external link to an item another database.

To create an item in UR that links to an item (source DB) in another database (destination DB), you can:

1) From Windows Explorer, copy and paste the source .urd file with the item to link, and paste into the Data Explorer of the destination DB to create the logically linked item.
2) Ensure that Tools | Options | Miscellaneous | Item command-line format is
3) In the source DB, select the item to link to and choose Item |]Copy Item Command-Line[/url]
4) In the destination DB, paste into the URL attribute of the item created in step #1
5) To open the link in the source DB, from the Destination DB, select the item and press Ctrl+J or Item | Open Document
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