Thread: Version 8.0
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Old 02-22-2012, 12:36 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Version 8.0

Released on February 22, 2012

Release announcement:

See for issues to be aware of when upgrading from older versions.

New Features
  • 64-bit (x64) editions of GUI app, console app, and object model.
  • Windows 8 compatibility.
  • Show build progress, pause, and failure in Windows taskbar (Windows 7 and later).
  • Option to save project files compressed and encrypted (.bldx extension).
  • GUI App: Ability to assign a password that is required in order to edit project / Build-only projects (File | Change Edit Password).
  • Option to fail overall build if any steps failed during the build but the build was continued (Tools | Application Options | General).

  • Logging: 1) Specify the log level separately for the console app, GUI app, and XML and text log files; 2) Honor text file logging options (Tools | Application Options | Logging (More)) for console app output.
  • Object model: 1) Honor step retry option when setting step build status to failed in vbld_StepDone script event; 2) Separate status for terminated steps (vbldStepStatTerminated); 3) Make call stack accessible to scripting (Builder.CallStack2 property); 4) Reduced file size when saving projects; 5) Include exception output in step output macros; 6) Option to not call StepStarting script events when skipping a step (call Application.Options.CallStepStartingScriptEventOnS kippedStep = False in a Run Script step to enable); 7) Use current Windows locale for script engine by default (call Application.Options.UseUSEnglishLocaleForScriptEng ine = True in a Run Script step for old behavior).
  • GUI App: 1) Visual Studio 2010 and Office 2010 paint themes (Tools | Customize | Options); 2) Options to sort and limit Go | To Step dialog to top-level steps (Tools | User Options | Display); 3) Option to play a sound when stopping at a breakpoint (Tools | User Options | Build); 4) Allow renaming and deleting of categories in Macros pane; 5) Default Build failure steps option (More tab) on new steps to unchecked.
  • Support auto-locating of v7.0+ .NET SDK folder for DOTNETSDK_DIR global macro.

    New Actions
  • Enhanced Unzip Files
  • Enhanced Zip Files
  • Gradle
  • HelpNDoc
  • Hyper-V
  • NuGet
  • Parallels
  • Register .NET Assembly
  • Team Concert
  • VirtualBox

    Action Enhancements
  • AccuRev action: Support v5.
  • Advanced Installer action: Support v8.
  • Create Folder action: Option to fail the step if the folder exists.
  • DeployMaster action: Support v4.
  • Doc-To-Help action: Support v2011 and 2012.
  • Document! X action: Support v2010 and 2011.
  • Exit action: Option to exit repeating loop (Loop, Process Files action, or repeating build rule) instead of build/subroutine.
  • Flare action: Support v7.
  • FTP action: Disable synchronize option and enable delete root folder option with delete command.
  • GAC Install action: Add additional options field.
  • Help & Manual action: Support v6.
  • HelpStudio action: Support v2011.
  • HTTP action: Enable compression option (Command tab).
  • InstallShield action: 1) Support v2012; 2) Support prerequisite search path option (Parameters tab); 3) Locate via App Paths registry setting if not found via file association.
  • InstallAnywhere action: Support v2011.
  • InstallAware action: Support v10 thru v2012.
  • Loop action: Support nesting.
  • Make Delphi action: 1) Support Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio XE2; 2) Provide drop-down to choose Delphi version to build with (Options tab); 3) Drop-down for platform to build (Project/Group tab); 3) Improved parsing of configurations in project file.
  • Make VS 2010 action: 1) Support Visual Studio LightSwitch; 2) When setting/incrementing versions, don't update version info resource defined via constants and multiple whitespace separator chars.
  • Maven action: Support v3.
  • Mercurial action: Support v2.
  • Microsoft .NET actions: Support for calling 32-bit and 64-bit .NET Framework/.NET SDK executables.
  • Multilizer action: Support v2011.
  • Networking actions: 1) Support IPv6; 2) Support large (> 4GB) file sizes.
  • NUnit action: Support v2.6.
  • Perforce action: Support v2011.
  • Plastic SCM action: Support v4.
  • Process Files action: 1) Support nesting; 2) Check folder modification and creation timestamps (Attributes tab) when processing folders only.
  • PureCM action: Support v2011.
  • RoboHelp action: Support v9.
  • Run Program action: Option to run remotely with elevation (Remote tab).
  • Run SQL action: Support v2012.
  • Setup Factory action: Support v9.
  • Sign Code action: 1) Call signtool.exe for signing; 2) Additional options.
  • Sisulizer action: Support v3.
  • SourceAnywhere action: Support SourceAnywhere v6 and SourceAnywhere for VSS v3.
  • StarTeam action: Support v12.
  • Subversion action: 1) Support prop* commands; 2) Support v1.7.
  • Surround SCM action: Support v2011.
  • Team Foundation action: Option to treat partial success (exit code 1) as successful (Options tab).
  • Vault action: Support Vault Professional v5.
  • VMware action: Support Workstation v8, vSphere v5, and Player v4.
  • Web Deploy action: Support v2.
  • WiX action: Support v3.5 and 3.6.
  • Write INI action: Option to fail the step if file, section, or value not found.

    Bug Fixes
  • HTTP action: Get to file option not working with Post form data option.
  • SourceOffsite action: Fix registry lookup of executable location.
  • Telnet action: Can't connect to Mac OS X 10.6.5+ SSH server with default authentication settings.
  • VMware actions: Don't quote arguments for Run program / Run script commands.
  • GUI App: Clear highlighted step when resetting build.
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