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Old 10-29-2007, 10:14 AM
teognost teognost is online now
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Multiline macro-expanding

I have a macro LIST_NOSIGNIFICANT_CHANGES and the value is:

When I open it into Macros view-the value appears correctly ,instead %INITIAL_VERS% appears and instead

I need to make a search in a string (FoundStr),to see if any of the lines from the macro LIST_NOSIGNIFICANT_CHANGES is contained into this string.
In order to do this I have made VBScript step like this:

Set lnc = vbld_AllMacros()("LIST_NOSIGNIFICANT_CHANGES")

a = Split(lnc,vbCrLf)
arraySize = UBound(a)

For Each arrayElement In a
'Wscript.Echo "Elem "&i&" is :"&a(i)
'verify if current array elem is contained in FoundStr
If InStr(FoundStr,a(i)) Then 'contained,change is non significant
strMessage="Current section contains string "&a(i)&" -change is not significant"
Wscript.Echo strMessage
Exit Sub 'current section does not contain any significant change
Else ' not contained,search for next string from the list with non significant changes
strMessage="Current section does not contain string "&a(i)
Wscript.Echo strMessage
End If

Problem is in this step -the lines %INITIAL_VERS% and %END_VERS% are taken as literal and not as their value.

I tried to avoid this by getting the macro a different way:
strListNoSignificantChanges=Application.ExpandMacr os("%LIST_NOSIGNIFICANT_CHANGES%")
but in such a case the step raises an unknown error,I guess because macro LIST_NOSIGNIFICANT_CHANGES is a multiline one.
Question is -how can I perform the required search with the lines
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