View Full Version : Behavior Linking Parent with Children

07-20-2005, 07:33 PM
I've noticed that when I create a link of a parent that has children in another, say, folder, that the parent is a link but the children seem to be physical copies. Is this true? If so I would prefer that a all children of a parent also be links as well.

Also I noticed that if you if a link is "deleted" and in the recycle bin that the source will still show as a link.

FYI Links are very important to me because this is how I manage my todo's. Being a former ecco user. For example I will link a task from a specific project to another folder labeled 'This Week". Meaning I know I have to get it done this week. That is why i love UR.

07-21-2005, 10:45 AM
If an Info Item is logically linked (multi-linked) and has children, these children show up in both places but are not physical copies, but are indirectly linked. You don't see the logical link indication (the arrow on the icon) for them since they only have a single parent (but that parent is linked to multiple locations).

When an Item is deleted to the Recycle Bin, that item is simply reparented to the Recycle Bin. Hence the Recycle Bin is displayed as one of the parent Info Items...
The Original Parent attribute value (readonly) will display the original parent of the deleted Item (this is where the item will be restored to if you use the Restore context menu choice).

07-21-2005, 01:26 PM
Thank you for clarifying that.